Planning Commission

The purpose of the Commission is to assist the Wise Town Council in an advisory capacity and to anticipate and guide future development and change by preparing and recommending comprehensive plans, ordinances/resolutions, capital improvements programs, studies, reports, and other documents for consideration by the Wise Town Council. 

The Commission shall make written recommendations to the Town Council in regard to conditional use permit requests and rezoning requests in accordance with the Town of Wise Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations, and recommendations concerning Comprehensive Plan amendments in accordance with the Code of Virginia. 

The Commission shall review and approve site plans and subdivision plats. 

The Commission shall review and submit written recommendations to the Town of Wise Board of Zoning Appeals on land uses permissible on appeal.

The Commission shall submit a written annual report to Town Council in January of each year. This annual report will summarize the past year's activities and the status of planning and land use activities within the town. 

At least once every five years, the Commission shall review the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Zoning Map, and shall make recommendations for adoption/readoption.